NF Ireland relies on the support of its members who give of their time to raise money on behalf of the charity. Ideally, we need dedicated fundraisers so that we can not only maintain our existing levels of service but so that we can expand to help more families.
There are many different ways in which our readers can support NF Ireland by organising a fundraising event, anything from a coffee morning to a cake sale or simply by making a small one-off donation to help the work of the charity.
NF Ireland are driving the agenda for vastly improved services for both children and adults e.g., sourcing a Genetic Counsellor at Crumlin and Tallaght Hospitals. For the association it’s all about supporting individuals and families by providing first class information and emotional support for those living with neurofibromatosis.
Another important aspect of our work is the provision of a Helpline where callers concerns are addressed. The service is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The charity does much to raise awareness of the condition and the challenges it presents, as well as supporting research into prevention and treatments. In addition, NF Ireland produces literature and information for patients, families and medical professionals.
Whatever you choose to do, and no matter how small or large your contribution is, please be assured that your donation really will help to make a difference to the lives of those living with a diagnosis of neurofibroma.

Make a donation
NF Ireland relies on the donations of the many individuals and companies who give their money and time on behalf of the charity. We appreciate every bit of help we can get which helps us continue our work.